Sunday, September 18, 2011

Batteries corroded in some of my kids toys and when i replaced them the toy didnt work..The things in the toy?

where the batteries touch now are covered with a rust like covering...can the toy be saved?|||try using a little bit of sand paper, and sand away the corrosion at the contact points of the battery.|||get you a toothbrush with a little bit of backing soda and it will get all of the corrosion off of the terminals|||no now the connections in the toy are corroded which means the connections will not conduct electric through so next time take the baterys out when the toy is not in use|||Often a contact is plated, so it's best to clean them with a contact cleaner - or you'll risk quicker corrosion in the future. If you don't have electrical contact cleaner handy, a pencil eraser will do the trick.|||Try a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol on a q-tip to clean the corroded terminals... Blow air on it to dry it and replace the batteries... Or a pencil eraser.. Good luck

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